hydrogen. It is time.


01 / 10 / 16

Version 3 Release

It is here!

hydrogen is the new way to develop websites, manage multiple pages, perform quick searches, and automate testing. Once released, we will be working extremely hard to bring you even more boosters, such as; extensions, plugins and automatic updates. So keep an eye on this page, as we release information, seeds, downloads and more!


Packed full of speed!


When we first designed the user experience for hydrogen, we wanted to remove as many unused features that typical editors have, as not everyone finds every function useful. Once we did this, we achieved greater speeds. But we didn't stop there; we designed a way for users to extend the capability of hydrogen to their needs.


hydrogen has been built with speed in mind. We started by building a standard editor, then we've removed unused elements and components, leaving behind a stripped-down, but extendable editor that is fast! That means speed from startup to compilation. No waiting, no Hassle.


Working on big projects can be a hassle. We know! This is why we created our own filemanager and embedded it into hydrogen to manage and organise the directories in your project. When you create new files, hydrogen will determine its location and prefill its content as needed. When you need it, search it!


Get to know hydrogen

Under Construction!


hydrogen Version 3

TIP: Once you have downloaded the packs, unzip them onto the desktop and open 'hydrogen'